
KellysKalls.com Customer Testimonials

Duck Call and Goose Call Testimonials ::: These are just some of the wonderful/terrible things the fine folks who have purchased my duck calls and custom made goose calls are saying about my handy work with calls.

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I love your beautiful calls & the sound boards have a great sound!! You really are a very good craftsman & I look forward to purchasing more of your calls as gifts! You have an eye for detail & your completed works prove that fact! I was having a hard time keeping myself contained & found it difficult to wait for your calls. I will be taking them to the field as your quality work well prepares them for wet hunting conditions. I can not wait to begin them! I am very pleased that you agreed to make them for me! You did such an outstanding job & your talents shine through!! I own many handmade calls & by far, yours are the most beautiful & well made hand crafted set!!!! You will be hearing back from me soon! The best to you & yours!!!

Dennis L. – Idaho

“These calls are great, The pictures do not even come close to showing the beauty of these babies ! I need to order a new set of field grade calls because these are going on display! Thanks Kelly,

Mark A. – Tennessee.

“This is my new most favorite call in the world! It just blows me away, My brother has already tried to steal it ! I’m gonna name my next lab after you Kelly, I’m sending my brother your email address, Please don’t tell how much I paid for this call, He’ll rat me out to the little lady. Thanks again.

Paul W. – Oregon

“When I first heard of your acrylic cylinder calls I thought this was just some hype, But I am here to tell you I was shocked as to how loud this call is, The call is a real beauty and its just an awesome call. I am going to be ordering a set of these for my Dad, His birthday is coming up and a set of your calls would make me his favorite son again! “

Steve M – Kansas

“Kelly, As you know I have several of your calls in my collection and I just wanted you to know that the call set you made for me that just arrived is great. They look absolutely beautiful. My wife who hates all things duck related actually said these were “really pretty” Wife’s, go figure. Thanks again for another set of fantastic calls.”

Mark B – Illinois

“Your calls arrived today and I just wanted to say thank you for sending them so quickly, I got to say I was a bit nervous about ordering these for my husband since he is so picky about his “stuff”. I placed the calls where he would find them and you should have heard him, He was just like a little kid on Christmas morning, He loves them. I am so very thankful that Steve and Sherri told me about your calls, Thank you so very much”

Nancy R – Kansas

“Kelly, I expect you know I get a lot of products sent to me here for my (our) use or possible use on one of our shows. Most of the things we get here don’t get too far from the box they arrive in. Your set of duck calls was a different matter altogether.

My boss, (The program director) got to them first and now they are his. Here’s the deal, Could you please send along one more call, double reed, and please send it this address (with held) and I will pay you for it. He is in his office right now blowing on those calls with his door locked. He has had the pictures sent to everyone we both know letting them that YOU sent these to him and not to me.

It’s payback time. Please email me the invoice asap along with several pictures that I can send him for a little get even. Thanks a bunch,

Dave C. – Kansas

Kelly, I received my call today that I purchased on Ebay. First of all I love it! I collect calls and display some them in my office, some I use a Christmas ornaments and have around 75-100 to date. Very few Duck calls are good for me to use in the field. Goose calling is easy for me. I love to hunt, but have never been able to be a good caller. I have trouble getting the low guttural air to make most commercial calls sound good. Thus far the easiest for me to make sound fair are the engraved Joe Bucher calls that I never take to the field. Your call was easy for me to use to make a variety of tones with no trouble at all as soon as I picked it up. I also like the unique shape and it fit my large hand well. However, I am torn between using this call and putting in display. Thus I guess I will have to purchase another when you list it and I will be adding you to my favorites list.

If you would consider selling me three just like it, tuned by you, but unfinished, so I could have them engraved as gifts or have the ability to engrave the barrels with two lines of text. Please let me know. Honestly, this is one of a best sounding, easiest to use, and uniquely shaped calls I have ever purchased! Thanks, and please keep making calls of this quality.

Bill S (all-quacked-up)

Hey Kelly, these calls you made me are the real deal, I can really see the craftsmanship in your work. These calls look fantastic, I’m really happy with the persimmon, great suggestion on wood selection. As good as these calls look, they sound even better, and incredibly easy to blow. I’ve never met you, but working with these calls, I can say, with confidence, that you know what your talking about when it comes to game calls. You really are an artist. Thanks to you, I now have a set of calls I can really be proud to use, on any marsh, in any field. Any where there’s a chance that a duck might be in hearing range of a call, there will be green-heads and woodies falling victim to the sounds of these calls this autumn, of that I am sure.

Shane Leonard, Ontario Canada